How to maintain a Kukri: The Only Guide You Need in 2021

How to maintain a Kukri? : The Only Guide You Need in 2021


At the point when you own a Nepal Gurkha Kukri Knife, it’s imperative to ensure that it’s looked after appropriately. This will assist you in using its capacity. It requires diligent care while unsheathing the Khukri/Kukri. A Kukri can last a lifetime if appropriately utilized and looked after. Do not surround the Scabbard with your fingers while you are taking the Kukri out. Sometimes, the cutting edge comes out from the sheath, and it might cause injury to your inward fingers. Hold the upper edge of the sheath with your palm and fingers, and afterward, draw the sharp edge gradually. The blade should be pushed back, making a bend and just as gradually when taking it out.

How to maintain a Kukri?

One of the most important things is to ensure that you oil the blade appropriately. You can utilize machine gun oil to do this. To get the best outcomes, you ought to do this each time that you use the blade. This will help keep the rust away from developing and harming the Kukri. Also, it would be best if you try not to get fingerprints on edge. You ought to likewise take a look at the sheath. Attempt to make a point to keep it as perfect as could be expected under the circumstances. It would be best if you likewise be cautious about the place where you leave it. If you place it in the sun, it can easily shrink.

This can make it harder for you to get your Kukri inside. If so, you should make a point to oil the blade. At that point, push it inside the casing. At times, you may have to apply some power while doing this. Once inside, it would help if you take it in and out a few times. This will help extricate the casing. Kukri Knife needs legitimate care and maintenance if you need them to perform to their maximum capacity. To keep up Nepali Kukri appropriately, individuals should take proper care of it.

It will help if you take some fundamental guidance tips to maintain your Kukri appropriately. This Nepali Kukri scabbard should not be exposed to the sun for an extensive stretch because the light will damage it and cause problems in the blades while inserting. Try not to use the blade on the metallic and stone surface and get it far from the water.

Kukri isn’t a hammering tool so avoid hammering it over other surfaces. Avoid the traditional way of maintaining and fixing because the heat may lose the temper of the cutting edge. There are many things to take into consideration while maintaining a Kukri knife. Let’s discuss how to take care of a curved blade like the Kukri and how to maintain it properly.

Avoid rust from blade (oiling): 

It is essential to take very good care of your Kukri. You have to apply oil or grease after every use. If not in use, we prescribe to oil the edge in any event once every month. Avoid fingerprints on edge. If there is the rust we should initially rub the sharp edge using fine sandpaper before applying it with petroleum oil. Always remember to clean and dry your Kukri before oiling it. It is likewise imperative to clean the sheath and wooden handle once in a while. You can utilize a furniture shiner for the handle and shoe polish for the sheath. For the metal fittings, use metal polish and for silver fittings, use silver polish. If there is a need to keep the Kukri for a longer timeframe, don’t forget to oil the blade and enclose it with a polythene sack and keep it out of the sheath. 

Taking care of Sheath or Scabbard

The casing of practically all Kukris is made of buffalo skin. It is delicate to climate conditions. It can expand in hot and moist temperatures while contract or shrink somewhat in cold temperatures. Kukri sheath should not be exposed to the sun for a more extended timeframe as heating may expand the calfskin, making it loose for the sharp edge to enter.

The steel used is of high quality, but that doesn’t mean you should use it on hard metallic surfaces and stones. Avoid contact with water and your fingerprint. Always keep in mind that a well-maintained Kukri can last for a long time. So, make sure that you carry every possible measure to keep your Kukri and its accessories in the best shape.


One of the most important maintenance tasks is keeping the edge of your Kukri sharp. This is a challenging job because of its unique curved shape. Nonetheless, there are a few methods that you might like to try. To start with, you can use a Chakmak. You can discover two little blades in the vast majority of the Kukris. The little blade with a sharp edge is called “Karda” utilized as a paper knife, while the “Chakmak” the other little blade, functions as a sharpener. Generally, Chakmak was likewise used to ignite a fire by striking against specific stones found in the hilly region.

Along with the Kukri, it is quite important to maintain these knives. They should be oiled from time to time and should be kept up as how we do our Kukri blades. In case you’re sharpening a Kukri with a Chakmak, you’ll be intrigued by how simple it is. Chakmak is advanced sharpening steel. It’s ideal to use with the Kukri because it perfectly matches their shape. Work your way towards the notch. You can likewise hone the blades by scrubbing the metal file back and forth. If you feel the Kukri has picked up some sharpness, use a Chakmak, sharpening steel, or a stone to satisfy the task.

Taking care of the handle

The showcase stands are handcrafted by talented and skilled workers and are made out of treated wood called Ashna, referred to in Nepal as “Seesau”. Since the experts work continuously to give a quality result, it is imperative to maintain it for its durable use. The wood can expand and contract like calfskin when presented to harsh climate conditions. Henceforth, it is prescribed not to expose the handle outside in sweltering sun or freezing winter cold. Since the stand is polished, it would be wise to apply polish after a few years of purchase for better sparkle and keep it looking new. Continuously utilize a soft fabric to clean away dirt or any other build-up from the handle.

Storing your Kukri

When storing, keep your machete in a dry environment, as humidity will damage the blade. If rust starts to develop, clean it off as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to your Kukri knife.

We recommend that you avoid storing your machete in a sheath when not in the field, as moisture can condense on the case and cause rusting on the blade. Always lubricate the inside with grease or any other mineral oil to keep moisture away from the blade and check once in a while to make sure rust is not forming. Or you can even use a wooden Gurkha khukuri knife stand to showcase and protect your kukri knife.

Dhankute Horn Handle Kukri


Caution while using the Kukri 

The Kukri is a fatal weapon and can be very deadly. It should be utilized with much caution. Continuously draw the cutting edge out of the Scabbard by squeezing the upper side of the sharp edge on the Scabbard, pulling the Kukri by squeezing it downwards may make the edge tear the casing. Not just that, if appropriate caution isn’t applied, the cutting edge may cut the hands while drawing the Kukri. Always respect your knife. These weapons are intended for cutting and cleaving and will cause serious damage if not taken care of properly. Wonderfully handcrafted Kukris is available for those who love the look and feel yet don’t wish to own a battle-ready knife. These are smaller and more appropriate to enhance the display of your home. Kukri seems to be a nice collection to your gallery, but it is also a dangerous weapon. Therefore, the following safety measures should be carried out to avoid any possible mishaps;

»Exposure to Sun for a long time may damage the Scabbard. 

»Make sure to keep your Kukri dry after use it, and remember to apply some lubrication on the blade to prevent it from rusting. 

»Using the blade on the metallic surface and stone and other hard surfaces should be avoided.

»Make sure to keep your Kukri away from water, moist and fingerprints. 

»Do not use your Kukri for hammering. 

»Guidance and supervision are important before use and should always be kept away from kids. 

»Carry out a timely maintenance job to prolong the life of your Kukri.


Kukri is a perfect survival tool, yet it can be dangerous when not looked after effectively. The honing techniques talked about here rely completely upon individual preferences. Whether you pick Chakmak, stone, or sharpening steel, all techniques work pleasantly. You can also use electric sharpeners if you have enough spending plan. To hone a Kukri, you need not be a specialist yet consistently be cautious while honing. The Kukri is one of the best-known blades available because it can be used in a wide array of settings. To assist you with getting the most utilization of your Kukri, we probably presented the ideal approaches to utilizing and maintaining your Kukri. 

Hopefully, you now understand how to take care of your Gurkha Kukri. But, if you still need some help, go through this article.

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