Top 5 Reasons why Foreigners should Visit Nepal

Reasons why Foreigners should visit Nepal


Nepal is smaller than Uttar Pradesh, one of the states of India, but in the area of 1,47,516 square km, Nepal has more than 100 castes and ethnic groups. Looking at this, you as a tourist can say the facts of Nepali culture are interesting for every traveler, and a visit to Nepal trip should be on everyone’s bucket list.

Similarly, the traditional art of Nepal is rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism and enlightens your mind religiously as well as furthers the purpose of your life.

When it comes to Nepali handicrafts, Nepal is no less than any other Third World Developing Country, and there is no better city than Kathmandu when it comes to buying Nepali handicrafts.

At the same level, the architecture of the historical buildings of Nepal is impressive, and by including this in your travel itinerary during the visit to Nepal, there will be an accomplishment.

Chitwan National Park

As you head for a jungle safari to see the Royal Bengal Tiger, an endangered species, you will have the option for a homestay with the Tharu community. We would like to tell you that the Tharus are the indigenous people living in the plains of Nepal. Staying with them, you will know about their culture from dress to the food to dhakiya to the festival.

Traveling in an oxcart, you will visit their traditional villages. In the evening, you will have dinner in their house prepared by men and women. They will also give you practical experiences like how to fish in a Tharu style with a net and a basket along the river.  As a tourist, you are scheduled, according to the time, for Tharu Stick Dancing. You will also have an opportunity to show your creativity when Tharu women teach you how to paint on the walls of their house.

The Wheel of Life

This is a thangka, which shows you the teachings of Lord Buddha, and after the trekking, it is always about buying thangka. Thangka is an art that Nepalese are proud of to show the world. Observing the four circles in the wheel of life thangka, you can say our life is controlled perfectly by Yama, the Lord of Death. When you look at the cloud in the thangka, it represents freedom, and other images of the thangka represent greed, jealousy, and hell. You will know about ignorance, attachment, and anger by looking at pig, bird, and snake. The third circle surrounds these animals and represents the Law of Karma. The other circles represent the pleasure and pain of our life.

Wooden Decoration Set

After two days tour of Kathmandu, you must be thinking of buying a souvenir. And Kathmandu is famous for wooden carving all over the world. If you want to buy wooden handicrafts, then you can go for a wooden box set, wooden horse, or wooden plate. The box set is available in different sizes. We also make a wooden horse of any size that you like. The wooden plate that we make has beautiful designs.

Kathmandu Durbar Square

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and comprises temples, palaces, shrines, stupas, and courtyards. Kathmandu is the city of Newars, and when you visit the square, you will see the Newari architectural style, three-roofed temples, and superimposed roofs. The exterior of the palace has carved wooden windows and panels that have a jaw-dropping beauty.

Visit Nepal, Visit Bandipur

A town perched on a hilltop. This is a traditional town with culture, history, and heritage, and cars and motorbikes are not allowed inside. The architecture of the town will make you say wow. At night, this town looks more beautiful, and you won’t believe for a moment that you are in this part of Nepal.

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