- This Life of Buddha Thanka painting narrates the most relevant episodes of the life of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha also known as the “Twelve Great Deeds of Buddha”.
1. His Promise to Take Birth in the Human Realm and Guide Sentient Beings from Ignorance to Enlightenment.
2. Queen Maya’s (Siddhartha’s mother) Dream of a white elephant.
3. The Birth of Buddha.
4. A Youth Dedicated to the Mastery of Learning and Athletics.
5. The Skilful Conduct of Worldly Affairs.
6. The Four Encounters: old man, sick man, beggar, and a dead man.
7. The Renunciation of Worldly Life.
8. The Six Years of Austerities.
9. The Defeat of Mara, the Buddhist manifestation of death and desire.
10. The Proclamation of the Teachings.
11. The Ascent to the Trayatrimsa Heaven, the heaven of thirty-three gods, to visit his mother.
12. The Passage into Parinirvana.
- Dimensions: 36cm x 48cm.
- Materials: Cotton canvas, Natural stone colors.