Category Archives: Blog

Why Khukris make a perfect souvenir?

Khukuri is Nepal’s pride and a great souvenir to remember for the wonderful struggles and [...]

Challenges Faced by Artisans in Nepal

Challenges Faced by Artisans in Nepal For a culturally-rich nation like Nepal, preserving the handicrafts [...]

Pashmina in Nepal- A Complete Guide | Pashmina By Yuna Handicrafts

Pashmina in Nepal- A Complete Guide | Pashmina By Yuna Handicrafts Nepali Pashmina has a [...]

9 Handicrafts Of Nepal That Make Perfect Souvenirs

Whenever we visit new countries/ places, we think of getting something affordable from that specific [...]

Wheel of Life : A Way to Understand Yourself Better

If you want Lord Buddha to give you a spiritual lecture in front of your [...]

Thangka Painting in Nepal

On the walls of the Ajanta Caves, there are paintings of Lord Buddha related indirectly [...]

Chakra Notes and the Sound of a Singing Bowl

Have you seen the Chakras Inside your Friend’s Body or heard about Chakra notes? The [...]

How Nepali Handicrafts are Different from the Handicrafts of India

When you open the History Book of India in front of you on a table, [...]

Kalachakra Mandala : More Than Just Art, A Sacred Symbol

Kalachakra Mandala Thangka is a means to be at the stage of peace, to know [...]

Singing Bowl For Beginners – Experience Shared By One Of The Users

Experience shared by one of our clients. I am a religious person; I am sure [...]